This book is a collection of the best lectures held at the F.O.I.L. Centre in Milan and already published in the books Management Psychology, Organization Psychology and Entrepreneurial Personality (now out of print), including the international videoconferences at the IBM Centre in Milan, with the simultaneous interconnection among Italy (Milan), Brazil (Sao Paulo), Russian Federation (Moscow), Latvia (Riga). What is the form of entrepreneurial rationality? How does the entrepreneur connect with the economic reality of society, the market, production, distribution and information? What motivates the entrepreneur? What fulfils him or her? What is the specific way of actual success as mind and history? What makes the entrepreneur successful? What is self-sabotage, loss, the dialectic aggressiveness of socio-cultural, social and familial, socio-political circumstances? The leader’s inner world. That complex interiority where exact intuition and social and familial stereotype interact, often with disastrous results for the individual and the company. Now Ontopsychology has isolated both and the method developed as a result makes it possible to foresee the outcome. The key point was then illustrated, this being the foundation of that intuition that allows the individual to contact that gain, which in this case, refers to economic self-interest. That foundation gives economic infallibility and reorganizes the economy on new criteria based on the genius of human essence.
Buy the Italian version on Ontopsicologia

Antonio Meneghetti
pagg.431 17×24
ISBN 978-88-88-742-14-4