Training Courses


Erasmus+ KA2 in the field of youth


 Project NOW I KNOW HOW is a new way to promote employability and competitiveness of youth!

The project “Now, I know how!” is an Erasmus+KA2 project which sees 3 countries cooperating, Italy, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, and involves 29 students (aged between 16 and 30) coming from the three countries. The Italian project partner, in charge of training and curricula, is the training and consultancy company FOILservice (headquarters near Milan). Its business school has expertise in promoting “Made in Italy” as a case-study (its programme “The Business Intuition of Made in Italy” obtained the “Premio Qualità” awarded by FederManager on a national scale).    

Today, the training objectives of this Erasmus+ course take the “Made in Italy” brand as a starting point of reference. The goal is to extract a profile of practical skills as well as personality and lifestyle of its key players (“how to do” and “how to be”) which could serve as inspiration for the formalization of a business idea. Profiles that can be used as a model for innovative projects while being linked to the specificities of the respective economies (with their raw materials, culture identity, development models). The “Now, I know how!” training is structured over two full-immersion modules lasting 5 days each, taking place in Umbria and in Lombardy, alternated with online teaching (see detailed info in the application form).

The training curricula, tailor-made to the specific group of students, foresees a combination of training methods, including guided visits in companies, artisan workshops of various fields, individual career guidance, sharing experience in classroom with “Made in Italy” entrepreneurs, classes of theory and practice guided directly by them, as well as by university teachers and business consultants. With this background, the testimony of successful entrepreneurs on how to take a business path, from the formalization of an idea up to its wider development, represent a really precious and impactful training opportunity for young people which will definitely get food for thought and enriching incentives, be it for entering succsefully the  labour market or for a business project on their own.


Send your application form before 31 July 2021 to

“Craftsmanship`s Future of Europe: I AM ABLE TO DO!”

Erasmus+ KA2 in the field of youth



Project ABLE2DO is a new way to promote employability and competitiveness of youth!


2018 – 2019


The project “Craftsmanship’s future of Europe: I AM ABLE TO DO” is an Erasmus+KA2 project which sees three European countries in the field – Italy, Latvia and Lithuania– and involves 30 young students (16-30 years old), an equal share for each one of the three territories.

The Italian partner – project partner responsible for training – is the company FOIL, training and consultancy agency (with headquarters close to Milan). Its business school boasts expertise in promoting the “Made in Italy” brand as a case study (its courses “Business Intuition of Made in Italy” were awarded the nation-wide “Premio Qualità” by FederManager.

Today, the goal of this Erasmus course takes the “Made in Italy” brand as a starting point of reference. The goal is to extract a profile of practical skills as well as personality and lifestyle of its key players (“how to do” and “how to be”) which could revive, for the young participants from Italy, the calling for the artisan art of excellency and, for young participants from other countries, represent a model that can be exported to business, while being linked to the specificities of the respective economies (with their raw materials, culture identity, development models).

The first 2019 edition of the course “Craftsmanship’s future of Europe: I AM ABLE TO DO” is structured over three full immersion modules lasting one week each, taking all place in Italy and offering a mix of guided visits in studios, companies, artisan workshops of various fields, experience shared live in the classroom by the creators of the “Made in Italy” brand, theory and practical exercise taught by entrepreneurs, university teachers (for the module taking place in March, for instance, an important cooperation with the Milan Polytechnic is foreseen) and FOIL consultants.